
Showing posts from December, 2010

The Lost Hour

We often say we will do things later or when we have time.  The reality is there are only twenty four hours in a day.  If we were granted one more hour, what would we do with it?  Would it make a difference?  Would it make you use the hour to the best of your ability or would you be back in a place, wanting more time? I think of the moment I heard my grandmother died.  I knew she was sick and in the hospital, but I thought she was getting better.  I booked my trip to London for work and a weekend trip with my friends to Barcelona.  I guess I just thought, she would live longer. The woman was incapable of dieing unless it was on her own terms. The first scare we had was a few years ago.  She was waiting for her ride home and she said she started to feel the world go black while she was watching one of the judge reality shows.  She pressed the emergency button.  As the story goes she flat lined twice and the doctors managed to revive h...