Why has it taken so long for Filipino food to become mainstream in Houston?
I stopped over at the only Jollibee in Houston the other day and I noticed that there was a minivan parked in the parking lot. When the door opened, packed liked sardines, unfolded out of the car, were three kids, a mom, dad and a lolo (grandfather). It seemed as if they had been driving for awhile. I imagine, that as soon as they arrived in Houston, they needed their Filipino food fix. They must of pulled up Yelp and searched "Filipino Food". One of the top hits was Jollibee, the nationally recognized chain. via GIPHY I immediately had flashbacks of my dad's Chevy van. He bought it in the 1980s. It was tan and bare bones, an empty shell of metal. There were no windows, carpet or chairs. I recall trips to Galveston when my brothers and sisters had to rotate shifts to sit on the cooler full of fish, preventing it from sliding around in the back. There was no seat belt law back then! As soon as dad had the money, he...